Curated high-growth breakout companies. Identify top startups to join.

Companies that were selected for Breakout List in 2014
Now 3000+
Now 1000+
Now 1000+
Now 750+
Now 2000+
Now 1000+
Now 1000+
Now 1500+
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Curated breakout companies
Evaluating a company to see if it’s great or not is hard. And, beyond the ones you’ve come across, you know there are dozens more great companies that you’re not even hearing about.
Breakout List’s curated collection of top companies makes it easy to identify great companies and to screen startups.
Now you’ll find it easier to join a trajectory-shifting company.
You should join a breakout company
Pre-traction startups are likely to fail. Late stage public companies are filled with bureaucracy.
Breakout startups give you good odds for a payday, a permanent credibility boost on your record, outsized promotion and experience opportunities, and a great network.
So you’ll have lucrative skills, and better access to capital, networks, and opportunities.

Using undisclosed private information
Information about which companies are great is mostly hidden. This makes it hard to identify winners.
Thanks to our six-year track record and our investor network, both founders and investors submit undisclosed private information to the Breakout List.
You get to benefit from this information and find better companies to join.
Excellent past selections
It’s hard to know which sources to use to find top companies.
Breakout List has an excellent track record. Slack was first on the Breakout List at 100 employees, now they have 3000+. Opendoor at 15 employees, now 1000+. DoorDash at 60, now 2000+. The list goes on.
Breakout List makes it easy by being your go-to source of top companies.